TRAPS OF PERCEPTION, solo exibition of Ivan Milenković

U Leskovačkom kulturnom centru, 21. februara, u 19h biće otvorena ižloba slika Ivana Milenkovića, pripadnika mlađe generacije Srpske umetničke scene XXI veka. Izložbu če otvoriti Biljana Jotić, ustoričarka umetnsoti iz Beograda koja već neko vreme prati njegovo stvaralaštvo i autorka je teksta u katalogu. Rođen u Leskovcu (1988). Diplomirao je na Fakultetu likovnih umetnosti u Beogradu, slikarski smer(2012). Učestvovao na više od pedeset grupnih i imao je sedam samostalnih izložbi. Stipendista Letnje Akademije u Salcburgu. Pored ostalih, Ivan je dobitnik „BIAFARIN young award”, Nordart, prvuenagrade na 53.i 54. Oktobarskom likovnom salonu u Leskovcu…
On February 21, at 19h, the paintings of Ivan Milenkovic, a member of the younger generation of the Serbian art scene of the 21st century, will open at the Leskovac Cultural Center. The exhibition will be opened by Biljana Jotic, an artisan artist from Belgrade who has been following his work for some time and is the author of the text in the catalog. Born in Leskovac (1988). He graduated from the Faculty of Fine Arts in Belgrade, majoring in painting (2012). He has participated in more than fifty group and had seven solo exhibitions. Scholarship holder of the Salzburg Summer Academy. Among others, Ivan is the winner of the “BIAFARIN young award”, Nordart, the first prize at the 53rd and 54th October Art Salon in Leskovac …
Author’s text about the exhibition.
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