Woman about woman I

This exhibition gethering twenty female visual artists from region of Western Balkan, teritories of Serbia, Montenegro, Croatia, Slovenia and North Macedonia. Through liaison of female curators and female artists we raise awereness of female angle of observation and reaction to reality, in the creativity field of life. In direct contact with artistic processes, living creative energy, the role of us curators is in the process of the observation, gathering, capturing the present and documenting it. The two exhibitions „Woman about woman“, both in real space and virtua space, in the phisical reallity and virtual reallity will be testimony of that. 

Why woman? Becouse only a woman knows what and how she feels.

Why about woman? Becouse a woman is a subject not an object. 

Why art? Becouse it is closest at the truth.

Why region? Becouse of need to network.

Why project? To testify a present and carries of message.

The topic of women is not new. Throught of history of art, women have been and remain an inexhaustible motif. The inspiration of a woman in a specific way carries antipodes and rests somewhere on the line between borderline feelings towarrds her. Woman is a living organism and the best witness of our existence. Time flows and thoughts changes, and so does the role of women in society. This exhibition is dedicated to the topic of women, yet by women. It raises the question from the inside to the outside, about of her inner states of being. That is why it is an immediate and concrete, raw theme that opens up to the observer in direct comunication. It is not a close form of one’s vision but a moment of expressing a woman’s emotion in the process. 

Nothing that the topic a women is very present in the art now, the artistic need to express women as active participants, and not the subject of worship or hatred, beauty or ugliness, lust or fear, this exhibition seeks to effer the new context of observation from reality, not just from theory. Focusing on the above it aims to provide insight into the female aspects of creativity today, to testify and document the present and activate the question of the extent to which the role of women in art is shaped by society and vice versa, how society affects women’s creativty. We are witnesses that there have always been women who appear nas individuals and leave an indelible mark in history and society, and this exhibition carries a message from the present. 

Exhibition „Woman about woman“ is a part of the international project with more activities with the same aims, and implaying the direct connection between art and social reality, project starts from art becouse art is closest to the truth and most open to the experience and further communication. The selction of artists clearly indicates a combination of different forms of artistic expression from the same basis – the echo of the inner female being and the need to release the power she carries within herself, something as artistically shaped moan, scream, thoughts from which the idea was borned and formed the concept. 

In accordance with contemporary trends and new media the artists epress themselves in a unique way in various media, from painting and drawing, through photography and sculpture forms and sculpture instalation, videos and to performance. Heterogenity  of visual expression is a inevitable phenomennon of the modern age, as well as the diversity of media in which or with which thy are expressed. In addition to the media, diversity is also visible in different aproach to the women’s identities in contemporary art, from forms throuh abstraction to the feminist artistic practices. This exhibition tends to give some answer to that. 

This, the first of two exhibitions Woman about woman includes artists pre-selected by noninstitutional curators with long life of curating practice form Serbia, Montenegro, North Macedonia, Croatia and Slovenia. For second exhibition selcting will be through open call, and it will be include more teritory from European Union. 

                                                                              Biljana Jotić, art director and initiator


Biljana Jotić, Serbia

Sonja Švec Španjol, Croatia

Nela Gligorović, Montenegro

Anamarija Stibij Šajn, Slovenia

Shquipe Mehmeti, North Macedonia

„FRAGMENTACIJE“, samostalna izložba Mine Radović, KC Novi Sad, Likovna galerija, septembar – oktobar 2019.

''FRAGMENTATIONS", solo exhibition of Mina Radovic, Cultural center Novi Sad, Art Gallery, September - October 2019.

Pitajući se i sama kao žena šta sve jedna žena krije ili čuva u sebi, Biljana Jotić pisala je autorski tekst.

Asking herself as a woman what all a woman hides or keeps within herself, Biljana Jotic wrote the author’s text.

POKRENUTI PROSTORI, prva samostalna izložba Vanje Vulin Ivošević, galerija Opšine Vračar, april 2019.

“MOVED SPACES”, the first solo exhibition of Vanja Vulin Ivošević, Gallery of the Municipality of Vracar, April 2019.

Samostalnu izložbu slika Vanje Ivošević Vulin svečano je otvorila u galeriji opštine Vračar Biljana Jotić, istoričarka umetnosti, koja je i autorka teksta u katalogu. To je prva samostalna samostalna izložba umetnice koja je po prvobitnoj vokaciji arhitektica. Ovom izložbom potvrđuje ulazak u svet slikarstva.

A solo exhibition of paintings by Vanja Ivosevic Vulin was inaugurated in the gallery of the Vracar municipality by Biljana Jotic, an art historian, who is also the author of the text in the catalog. It is the first solo solo exhibition by an artist who, according to her original vocation, is an architect. This exhibition confirms the entry into the world of painting.

FIGURA KROZ MISAO, galerija „Kuća kralja Petra“, novembar 2018.

“FIGURE THROUGH THOUGHTS”, Gallery "The House of King Peter", November 2018.

Samostalnu izložbu Natalije Miladinović, Jovane Jarebice i Une Nikolić, u kući kralja Petra, novembra 2018, otvorila je Biljana Jotić, koja je i autorka teksta u katalogu.

The solo exhibition of Natalija Miladinovic, Jovana Jarebica and Una Nikolic, in the house of King Peter, in November 2018, was opened by Biljana Jotic, who is also the author of the text in the catalog.

SPIRITUAL, izložba fotografija Natalije Miladinović i crtačkih intervencija Zdravka Jankovića, biblioteka grada Begrada, novembar 2018.

SPIRITUAL, solo exhibition of photographs by Natalija Miladinović and drawing intervention by Zdravko Janković

Izložbu fotografija Natalije Miladinović i crtačkih intervencija Zdravka Jankovića u galeriji „Atrijum“ Biblioteke grada Beograda, svečano je otvorila Biljana Jotić. Dok je Natalija fotografisala pokrete nagih tela u procesu oslobađanja duha, Zdravko je nastavio intervenišući crtežom na novonastalim fotografijama.

An exhibition of photographs by Natalia Miladinovic and drawing interventions by Zdravko Jankovic at the Atrium Gallery of the Belgrade City Library was inaugurated by Biljana Jotic. While Natalia photographed the movements of naked bodies in the process of freeing the spirit, Zdravko continued to intervene by drawing in the newly created photographs.

IDENTIFIKACIJE, Narodni muzej Smederevska Palanka, galerija savremene umetnosti, april 2018.

“IDENTIFICATIONS”, National Museum Smederevska Palanka, Gallery of Contemporary Art, April 2018.

Autorka koncepta istoričarka umetnosti Biljana Jotić spojila je dva različita umetnička izraza u tehnici crteža, Marije Tošković i Marije Milinković, u samostalnu izložbu realizovanu u Galeriji savremene umetnosti, pri Narodnom muzeju u Smedervskoj Palanci, aprila 2018. godine.

Concept author of art historian Biljana Jotic merged two different artistic expressions in drawing technique, Marija Toskovic and Marija Milinkovic, into a solo exhibition realized at the Gallery of Contemporary Art at the National Museum in Smedervska Palanka, April 2018.

KAMENI SPAVAČI, samostalna izložba Djerdji Ačaji, galerija Lucida, jun 2018.

STONED SLEEPERS, solo ehxibition by Djerdji Achai, curated by Biljana Jotić, November 2018. Lucida gallery, Belgrade

Izložbu crteža i slika mlade umetnice Đerđi Ačaji otvorila je Biljana Jotić, istoričarka umetnosti koja je i autorka teksta.

BESTIJARIJUM, ciklus crteža Marije Tošković

BESTIARIUM, drawings cycle by Marija Tošković

Tekst je nastao septembra 2018 iz inspracije stvaralaštvom i razgovorom sa umetnicom. Tokom čestih razgovora o umetnosti uopšte, o njenim kretanjima i promenama tokom vremena, savremenom dobu i mestu umetnika danas, nastala je i potreba za tekstualnom celinom ciklusa Bestijarijum.

This text was created in September 2018 from an inspiration by creativity and a conversation with an artist. Frequent conversations about art in general, its movements and changes over time, the modern age and the place of the artist today have also necessitated the textual integrity of the Bestiary cycle.

RITAM GRADA, samostalna izložba Marije Milinković, kustos Biljana Jotić, SULUJ galerija, novembar 2018.

IN THE RHYTM OF THE CITY, solo exhibition by Marija Milinković, curated by Biljana Jotić, Suluj gallery, Belgrade, November 2018.

Samostalnu izložbu crteža i instalacija Marije Milinković „U RITMU GRADA“ otvorila je 19. novembra u galeriji Suluj Biljana Jotić, istoričarka umetnosti. Za ovu priliku muziku je komponovao Darko Džambasov.

A solo exhibition of drawings and installation by Marija Milinkovic “IN THE RHYTHM OF THE CITY” was opened on November 19 at the Suluj Gallery by Biljana Jotic, an art historian. For this occasion the music was composed by Darko Dzhambasov.

PAD ČOVEKA, samostalna izložba Kristine Pirković, kustos Biljana Jotć, galerija ArtforAll, Beograd april 2018.

HUMAN FALL, solo exhibition by Kristina Pirković, curated by Biljana Jotić, April 2018, ArtforAll gallery, Belgrade

Aprila 2018 u galeriji Art for All Biljana Jotić, istoričarka umetnsoti otvorila je izložbu crteža mlade umetnice sugestivnog izraza i epohalne teme, Kristine Pirković. Upoznavajući se sa radom i tematskom zaokupljenošću nameće se pitanje da li se nekada u određeno vreme desio Pad čoveka ili se on konstantno dešava kada čovek podlegne svojim slabostima?, pitala se Biljana Jotić, koja je i autorka teksta u katalogu.

In April 2018, at the Art for All Gallery, Biljana Jotic, an art historian, opened an exhibition of drawings by a young artist with a suggestive expression and an epochal theme, Kristina Pirkovic. Being acquainted with the work and thematic preoccupation raises the question of whether the Fall of Man happened at a certain time or does it constantly happen when a man succumbs to his weaknesses ?, asked Biljana Jotic, who is also the author of the text in the catalog.

PERPETUUM MOBILE, samostalna izložba Jelene Vićentić, kustos Biljana Jotić, galerija Božidarac, oktobar 2018.

PERPETUUM MOBILE, solo exhibition by Jelena Vićentić, curated by Biljana Jotić

Samostalnu izložbu crteža i slika Jelene Vićentić u galeriji Božidarac , oktobra 2018 otvorila je Biljana Jotić, istoričarka umetnosti, koja je i autorka teksta u katalogu.

In October, 2018 in the gallery Božidarac, art historian Biljana Jotić opened a solo exhibition by Jelena Vicentic. The following is the author’s text.

KROZ VODU, samostalna izložba Ivane Živić sa site-specific karakterom, umetnička stanica Ešdjeg, 2017, kustos Biljana Jotić

“THROUGH WATER”, site-specific solo exhibition by Ivana Živić, curated by Biljana Jotić Edjsheg Art Station, Novi Sad, 2017

Kustoska samostalna izložba i instalacija umetnice Ivane Živić (site-specific), (umetnica koja u svom slikarstvu problematizuje prostor i vreme kroz imaginarne prostorne ispunjene vodom plivačicama. Site-specific karakter oblikovan je kroz celinu koju čine savremena izložba u atipičnom prostoru kulturnog nasleđa i instalacija kojom je prostor sa platna izmešten u stvarni prostor, vreme dešavanja je „sada i ovde“ uključujući posmatrača kao sastavnog dela događaja.

Curatorial solo exhibition and installation by artist Ivana Zivic (site-specific) – an artist who in her painting problematizes space and time through imaginary spaces filled with water by swimmers. by which space is shifted from the canvas to actual space, the time of the event is “now and here” including the spectator as an integral part of the event.

Pored navedenih samostalnih izložbi savremeno žensko stvaralaštvo predtsvljeno je i na grupnim zložbama i festivalima.

In addition to the aforementioned solo exhibitions, contemporary women’s creativity has also been presented at group exhibitions and festivals.

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