“SPIRITUAL” exhibition of two authors in Belgrade City Library

Izložbu fotografija Natalije Miladinović i crtačkih intervencija Zdravka Jankovića u galeriji „Atrijum“ Biblioteke grada Beograda, svečano je otvorila Biljana Jotić. Dok je Natalija fotografisala pokrete nagih tela u procesu oslobađanja duha, Zdravko je nastavio intervenišući crtežom na novonastalim fotografijama.
Autorka teksta u katalogu je Biljana Jotić.
An exhibition of photographs by Natalia Miladinovic and drawing interventions by Zdravko Jankovic at the Atrium Gallery of the Belgrade City Library was inaugurated by Biljana Jotic. While Natalia photographed the movements of naked bodies in the process of freeing the spirit, Zdravko continued to intervene by drawing in the newly created photographs.
The author of the text in the catalog is Biljana Jotic.
The author of the text in the catalog is Biljana Jotic.
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