Upoznajte se sa poljskim umetnicama, gošćama projekta Umetnost na papiru

         Introducing two Polish artists, guests in Art on paper project

Sylwia Gorak

'Tokom mog istraživanja za Anti-Campfire projekat, došla sam do zanimljive činjenice da su i dijamant i grafit alotropske modifikacije ugljenika. To je jaka metafora-dijamanti su retki, cenjeni zbog jasnoće i reflektivnosti, dok je grafit običan, taman, jeftin.
Prirodno, želela sam da stvorim crteže dijamanata u tehnici grafita ili ugljena (poznata alotropska modifikacija ugljenika). Konceptualno, takav crtež postavlja pitanje vrednosti, kombinujući umetnikov rad sa velikom lepotom i umetničko delo sa simbolom luksuza. Takođe sam bila jako zainteresovana implikacijama povezanosti svetla i tame/optimizma i pesimizma. Ištampala sam fotografije poznatih dijamanata i donela ih u svoj studio pre nekoliko meseci.
Zapravo nisam sama napravla nijedan crtež, ali noćas sam videla kako bi ti crteži izgledali, manje-više, zahvaljujući radovima Silvije Gorak. Njeni crteži su mnogo bolji od onih koje bih ja napravila.
Silvija Gorak je umetnica u Residence at the Headlands centru za umetnost, gde prezentuje svoj rad, uključujući prethodne serije crteža ugljenom poznatih dijamanata. Pomenula je njeno interesovanje za koncepciju predstavljanja dijamanata materijalom istog bazičnog elementa-isto kao i ja. Rezultati su lepi crteži...'

Christine Wong Yap, San Francisco

'During my research for the Anti-Campfire project, I came across the engrossing factoid that diamonds and graphite are both allotropes of carbon. This is a rich metaphor — diamonds are rare, valued for clarity and reflectivity, while graphite is common, dark, cheap.
Naturally, I wanted to make drawings of diamonds in graphite or charcoal (another ... Read More common carbon allotrope). Conceptually, such a drawing would raise the question of value, by conflating the artist’s labor with great beauty, and the work of art with a pricey commodity. I was also greatly interested in the implications of the interconnectedness of light and dark / optimism and pessimism. I printed photos of famous diamonds and brought them to my studio a few months ago.
I had’t actually made any drawings, but tonight I saw what the drawings would look like, more or less, courtesy of Sylwia Gorak. Her drawings are much better than I could make. 
Sylwia Gorak  is an Artist in Residence at the Headlands Center for the Arts, where she presented her work, including a past series of charcoal drawings of famous diamonds. She mentioned her interest in the conceptual logic of depicting a diamond with a material of the same base element — same as me. The results were nice drawings...'

Christine Wong Yap, San Francisco

Katarzyna Tretyn-Zečević

Doktor likovnih umetnosti (Fakulteta likovnih umetnosti Univerziteta Nikole Kopernika u Torunju (Poljska). Po obrazovanju slikarka, ipak,njen osnovni pribor čine igla i niti. Umetnica,uzmeđu ostalog, svoje slike određuje kompoziciju linijom vlakna. Od 2010.god. njeno stvaralaštvo najčešće opisuju dva elementa: belina i geometrija. Godine 2015. je otpočela saradnju sa Fondacijom Aleksandra Jablonjskog i Astronomskom opservatorijo u Puvnjicama kod Torunja. Efekt toga su umetnički projekti nastali na dodiru dve oblasti: nauke i umetnosti . Polazeći od osnovih aspekata koji čine ono šta smo – kao jezik kojim govorimo i mesto kome pripadamo,umetnica u svom stvaralaštvu pokreće problem traženja identiteta od strane savremenog čoveka.Pokušavajući da pruži odgovor na postavljena pitanja, preko opisa spoljnog sveta dodatno određuje biće stvarajući slike, zvučne zapise i umetničke objekte.
Inspiracija za nastanak projekta je bila astronomska pojava nazivana pomračenje Meseca.
U trenutku kada se Zemlja nalazi između Sunca i Meseca poslednji ulazi u njenu senku.
Tada na nebu vidimo njegovo potpuno pomračenje. Kada je ponovo vidljiv ulazi u
Polusenku nazivanu Penumbra upravo. Postavljajući pitanje o identitetu savremenog čoveka
pokušavam tom pojavom da opišem dualizam ljudske prirode.
Već je Aristotel primetio da senka koju Zemlja baca na Mesec ima oblik kruga što je po
njemu dokazivalo da je naša planeta lopta. Otuda odnos geometrije i prirode se čini
očiglednim izborom za preduzetu temu. Svetlo koje teatralno menja površinu radova imitirajući kretanje nebeskih tela postaje satvorac dela.
Projekat je izveden u tehnici leterpres, zanatskoj štampi.

PhD in fine arts (Faculty of Fine Arts, Nicolaus Copernicus University in Torun, Poland). Her vocation is painting, but her basic tools are needle and threads. Artist, among other things, makes the composition in her paintings with fiber lines. Since 2010. her works can be described by two elements: whiteness and geometry. In 2015. she started collaborating with Aleksander Jablonski Foundation and Torun Center for Astronomy. The result are art projects combining these two areas: art and science. Starting from the basic aspects that makes us who we are, language we speak and the place where we belong, in her works artists opens up the problem of contemporary man searching for identity. Trying to provide an answer for the questions asked, trough descriptions of the outside world additionally determines being by making images, sounds  and art objects.
Inspiration for creation of this project was astronomical phenomena called lunar  eclipse.
In the moment when Earth is between Sun and the Moon is the last one covered by her shadow.
That's when we witness the full eclipse of the Moon. When we see it again it is in a half shadow called Penumbra. Asking the question about the identity of contemporary man we try to describe its duality by this occurrence. 
Aristotle was the first to notice that the shadow the Earth projects on the Moon has a circular shape and for him that was a clear evidence that Earth is round in shape. Therefore, the relation between geometry and nature makes a natural choice for derived subject. Light that theatrically changes the surface of artist's works imitating the movement of space objects becomes a cocreator in art work.
Works are executed in letterpress technique, a form of relief printing.

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