BOA 2013/2014 – inicijativa 4 mlade istoričarke umetnosti, Kulturni centar Beograd

BOA 2013/2014 – initiative of 4 young art historians, Belgrade Cultural Center

BOA - Predstavljeno 20 mladih umetnica

BOA - Featured 20 young female artists

NOA FEST 2014/2015/2016/2017/2018/2019 – koautorski projekat, Kulturni centar Novi Sad, Umetnička stanica Eđšeg, alternativni kulturni cenar LAB

NOA FEST 2014/2015/2016/2017/2018/2019 – co-authored project, Cultural Center Novi Sad, Edzeg Art Station, Alternative Cultural Center LAB

NOA - Predstavljeno 10 mladih skulptorki

NOA - Presented by 10 young female sculptors

Predstavljeno 15 mladih grafičarki

Featured 15 young female artists in graphic technique

Predstavljeno 12 mladih mozaičarki

Presented 12 young female artists in mosaics technique

Panel na otvorenom u okviru EXIT festivala - zajedno sa umetničkom grupom iz Monteplije-a, Francuska u okviru koje su dve mlade istoričarke umetnosti

Panel on the open space within EXIT festival- together with an art group from Montpelier, France, which includes two young female art historians

UMETNOST NA PAPIRU – jednogodišnji regionalni projekat (2018-ta), glavna izložba bila je u Narodnoj biblioteci Srbije, Beograd

ART ON PAPER – a one-year regional project (2018), the main exhibition was at the National Library of Serbia, Belgrade

Predstavljeno je 14 umenitnica kojima je papir medij na kome se izražavaju u tehnikama crteža, kolaža, grafike i fotografije

14 women were presented with paper as a medium for expressing themselves in drawing, collage, graphics and photography techniques

APRIL U BEOGRADU – samoinicijativna jednodnevna interaktivna manifestacija na Belom dvoru, Beograd 2014. sa princezom Katarinom Karađorđević

APRIL IN BELGRADE – self-initiated one-day interactive event at the White Palace, Belgrade 2014 with Princess Katarina Karadjordjevic

Predstavljeno 15 mladih umetnica heterogenog izraza i različitih medija

Featured 15 young artists of heterogeneous expression and diverse media

APRIL U BEOGRADU – samoinicijativna jednodnevna interaktivna manifestacija na Belom dvoru, Beograd 2014. sa princezom Katarinom Karađorđević

APRIL IN BELGRADE - self-initiated one-day interactive event at the White Palace, Belgrade 2014 with Princess Katarina Karadjordjevic

Pored navedenih projekat i izložbi koji odgovaraju temi „Žena o ženi“ izdvajamo inicijativne projekte i  izložbe:
UMETNOST NA PAPIRU, autortski kustoski projekat u okviru koga je realizovano 8 grupnih izložbi na teritoriji Srbije. Projekat u trajanju od godinu dana okupio preko 50 savremenih umetnika, pretežno mlađe generacije i podržan je od strane Ministarstva Republike Srbije i Sekretarijata grada Beograda
KULTURNA BAŠTINA I SAVREMENO STVARALAŠTVO – samostalni autorski projekat sa konceptomspajanja savremene umetnosti i istorijskog prostora koji pripada kulturnoj baštini Srbije. Specifičnost kustoskog koncepta karakterišu pojmovi kontinuiteta (revitalizacija nasleđenog kroz savremeno vizuelno stvaralaštvo), izbor atipičnog izložbenog prostora i heterogenost vizuelnih izraza (kaosvedočanstva različitosti doživljaja savremene fluidne stvarnosti). Do sada su realizovane četiri izložbe:
„UMETNOST NA PAPIRU“, Narodna biblioteka Srbije, maj-juli 2017.
„KROZ VODU“, site-specific izložba Ivane Živić, Kulturna stanica Eđšeg, novembar 2017.
„20/ 20“, autorska kustoska izložba u prosotru u rekonstrukciji bioskopa Balkan, novembar 2018.
NOA FEST – koautorski festival savremene umetnsoti, Kulturni centar Novi Sad, Kulturna stanica Eđšeg i alternativni kulturni cenat LAB, šest godina za redom…2104/2015/2016/2017/2018/2019.
 Mediala: Nekad i sad, galerija RTS, maj 2017, eksperimentalna koaturska izložba

In addition to the projects and exhibitions that correspond to the theme “Woman about Woman”, we also highlight projects and solo exhibitions:
ART ON PAPER, a curatorial project, which included 8 group exhibitions on the territory of Serbia. The one-year project brought together over 50 contemporary artists, mostly younger generations, and is supported by the Ministry of the Republic of Serbia and the Secretariat of the City of Belgrade (places: National Library of Serbia; National Museum in Smedervska Palanka – Modern gallery; National museum of Užice – Modern gallery; Cultural center Grocka; Institrution of culture Parobrod, Belgrade; Cultural center Indjija; Gallery of Faculty of fine Art Kosovska Mitrovica; Gallery of Old Captain’s Office, Zemun
2. CULTURAL HERITAGE AND CONTEMPORARY CREATIVITY – an independent author’s project with the concept of merging contemporary art and historical space that belongs to the cultural heritage of Serbia. The specificity of the curatorial concept is characterized by the concepts of continuity (revitalization inherited through contemporary visual creativity), the choice of atypical exhibition space and the heterogeneity of visual expressions (testimony of the diversity of contemporary fluid reality experiences). So far, four exhibitions have been realized
3. “20/20″, author’s curatorial exhibition in the cultural heritage space in reconstruction, Balkan cinema, in the cooperation with Foundation Sasa Marceta
3. NOA FEST – co-authored Contemporary Art Festival, Novi Sad Cultural Center, Edjsheg Cultural Station and LAB Alternative Cultural Center, six years in a row brings together 20 younger generation artists 2104/2015/2016/2017/2018/2019.
4. “MEDIALA: ONCE UPON A TIME”,  RTS Gallery, May 2017, experimental co-authored project

Samostalne izložbe:
1.    „ZAPISI NA PAPIRU – STUDIJE, SKICE I CRTEŽI IGORA VASILJEVA“, iz privatne kolekcije Natalije i Žorđa Ristović, Kulturni centar Novi Sad, 21.oktobar 2019.
2.    „SPIRITUAL“, samostalna izložba Natalije Miladinović i Zdravka Jankovića, galerija Atrijum biblioteka grada Beograda, oktobar 2018.
3.    „SKAMENjENI SNOVI“, samostalna izložba Đerđi Ačaji, galerija Lucida, Beograd
4.    „PORTRETI“, Aleksandar Stanojević, samostalna izložba, KC Inđija, galerija Kuća Vonovića, april 2019.
5.    „RITAM GRADA“, samostalna izložba Marije Milinković, galerija SULUJ, Beograd, novembar 2018.
6.    „VELIKI RAT“, Nemanja Okiljević, Kombank dvorana (najava filma Petar Veliki

Solo exhibitions:
1.    “NOTE ON PAPER – STUDIES, DRAWINGS AND DRAWINGS OF IGOR VASILJEV“, from the private collection of Natalija and Djordje Ristovic, Cultural Center Novi Sad, October 21, 2019 
2.    SPIRITUAL“, solo exhibition of Natalia Miladinovic and Zdravko Jankovic, gallery Atrium, Library of Belgrade, October 2018 
3.    SCAMED DREAMS“, one-man exhibition by Gjerji Acaji, Lucida Gallery, Belgrade. 
4.    PORTRAITS“, Aleksandar Stanojevic, solo exhibition, Culutural Center Indjija, House of Voinovic Gallery, April 2019
5.    CITY RHYTHM“, solo exhibition of Marija Milinkovic, SULUJ Gallery, Belgrade, November 2018 5. “Rhythm of the City”, solo exhibition of Marija Milinkovic, SULUJ Gallery, Belgrade, November 2018
6.     6. “THE GREAT WAR“, Nemanja Okiljevic, Kombank Hall (announcement of the movie Peter the Great), November 2018

Od stručnih vođenja i otvorenih časova izdvajamo:
„LUBA“, galerija SANU, Beograd (u saradnji sa Slavicom Batos, supruga Ljube Popovića i pisac Calouge Resone, a zajednički tekst – intervju objavljen je u dva dela u nedeljniku Pečat )
„Srpsko sliakrstvo XX veka“galerija Doma vojske (u saradnji sa Fondacijom Plavo)
„Između stvarnog i virtuelnog prostora“, prostor u rekonstrukciji bioskopa Balkan (u saradnji sa Fondacijom Saša Marčeta)
„Grafika danas“, Likovni salon KC Novi Sad
„Mozaik danas“, Tribina mladih, KC Novi Sad
Od Art meeting-a izdvajamo:
NOA FEST 2014/2015/2016 / 2017 / 2018 / 2019 – koautorski festival savremene umetnosti u Novom Sadu sa konceptom dinamike u programskim rešenjima koji se realizuju na više lokacija (Likovni salon i Tribina mladih,Kulturni centar Novi Sad; dvorac Eđšeg; alternativni Kulturni Centar Lab).  Svake godine NOA FEST okuplja preko 20 umetnika mađe generacije u cilju umrežavanja i komunikacije. Fokusirana je na mlade generacije i domaći teren strategija festivala se realizuje raznovrsnim programskim rešenjima i na više lokacija. Od izložbi, preko Art Meeting-a, radionica, panela, humanitarnih akcija umetnost odgovara društvenim potrebama.

From professional guidance and open classes we highlight:
LJUBA“, SANU Gallery, Belgrade (in collaboration with Slavica Batos, wife of Ljuba Popovic and writer of Catalogue Resone, and a joint text – interview published in two parts in the weekly stamp)
20th Century Serbian Painting Gallery of the House of the Army (in collaboration with the “Foundation Blue”)
Between real and virtual space“, space for the reconstruction of the Balkans cinema (in cooperation with the “Sasha Marceta Foundation”)
Graphics Today“, Art Salon of CC Novi Sad
Mosaic Today“, Youth Tribune, CC Novi Sad
From Art meeting we highlight:
NOA FEST 2016 / 2017 / 2018 / 2019 – co-authored a contemporary arts festival in Novi Sad with the concept of dynamics in programmatic solutions that are implemented in several locations (Art Salon and Youth Tribune, Cultural Center Novi Sad; Edge Castle; alternative Cultural Center Lab). Each year, NOA FEST brings together over 20 young generation artists for networking and communication. It is focused on the young generations and the local terrain of the festival strategy is realized through various program solutions and in several locations. From exhibitions, through Art Meeting, workshops, panels, charity events, art meets social needs.

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