We invite you to explore Figurations on paper

“Figuracije na papiru” je druga po redu izložba u okviru regionalnog autorskog projekta “Umetnost na papiru” koji je nastao kao proizvod umetnosti u nastajanju, odnosno trenucima susreta umetnika i papira, sa ciljem predstavljanja jednog dela domaćih likovnih umetnika mlađih generacija kojima bi papir mogao biti svojstven medij na kome se likovno izražavaju. Ova izložba okuplja 12 autora. Tema izložbe je uravo taj susret, trenutak kada umentik i papir postaju jedno, odnosno karakter neposrednosti, a crtež koji nastane kao proizvod toga donosi nam uživanje, razmišljanje ili diskurs.
Koncept izložbe upućuje na motiv u likovnim izrazima odabrarih umetnika, to su figuracije sa varijacijama na temu, od vernog prikaza osobe sa psihološkim karakteristikama lika – portreta, preko manipulacija sa formom figura do apstrahovanja i redukcije pojedinih delova kompozicije. Odabrani umetnici su na moj poziv tokom prethodnih par meseci stvarali nove radove upravo za ovaj projekat, a jedan deo radova čini izložbu “Figuracije na papiru“. Jedino što ograničava trenutak nastajanja figuracija jeste format i papir, dok se od svakog pojedinca očekuje svojstven pristup likovnom izrazu, bez pretenzija spajanja poetika.
Iako u modernoj umetnosti linija predstavlja autonoman elemenat forme, nezavisan od predmeta predstavljanja, likovne poetike obuhvaćene izložbom „Figuracije na papiru“ ne izlaze iz okvira vidljvosti forme , što bi značilo da pripadaju predstavljačkoj umetnosti, u okviru koga je svaki umetnik razvio jedinstvenu i sebi svojstvenu likovnu poetiku kojom zauzima zasluženo mesto u savremenom srpskom slikarstvu. Figura kao motiv je termin za sadržaj dela koje je nastalo iz direktnog kontakta umetnika i prirode.
''Figurations on paper'' is second in a row in a regional project ''Art on paper'' that was born as a product of the art in the making, more specifically the moment when artist and paper met, wit a goal of representing one portion of the young domestic artists which have paper as common medium for their art expression. This exhibition gathers 12 authors. The main subject of the exhibition is that moment itself, a moment when artist and paper become one, with the character of directness, a drawing that comes out as a product of that brings us joy, thinking and discourse.
The concept of exhibition points to the motive in art expression of chosen artists, those are figurations with variations, from genuine representation of a person with psychological characteristics-portrait, through manipulations with a form of a figure to abstracting and reducing certain pieces of composition. Chosen artists were invited by me to create new works specifically for this project during past couple of months, and one portion of those works creates exhibition ''Figurations on paper''. The only thing that limits the moment of creation of figuration is format and paper, while unique approach to art expression is expected from each individual, without pretension for joined poetics
Although in modern art line represents an autonomous element of form, independent from presenting the subject, art poetics covered with ''Figurations on paper'' exhibition don't go out from the frame of form visibility, which means they belong to representational art, where every artist developed unique and personal art poetics that has a deserved place in contemporary Serbian painting. Figure as motive is a term for the content of an art piece that developed from direct contact between artist and nature.
The concept of exhibition points to the motive in art expression of chosen artists, those are figurations with variations, from genuine representation of a person with psychological characteristics-portrait, through manipulations with a form of a figure to abstracting and reducing certain pieces of composition. Chosen artists were invited by me to create new works specifically for this project during past couple of months, and one portion of those works creates exhibition ''Figurations on paper''. The only thing that limits the moment of creation of figuration is format and paper, while unique approach to art expression is expected from each individual, without pretension for joined poetics
Although in modern art line represents an autonomous element of form, independent from presenting the subject, art poetics covered with ''Figurations on paper'' exhibition don't go out from the frame of form visibility, which means they belong to representational art, where every artist developed unique and personal art poetics that has a deserved place in contemporary Serbian painting. Figure as motive is a term for the content of an art piece that developed from direct contact between artist and nature.
Biljana Jotić
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