Suština koja Medialu izdvaja kao pokret jeste činjenica da njenu pokretačku snagu nije predstavljala ideologija ili opšte mesto savremene društvene istorije, već unutrašnja potreba za akcijom, reakcijom, promenom i angažovanjem nekolicine samosvesnih intelekta, koja se susrela u uzvišenim osećanjima nepomirljivosti sa ponuđenim društveno-istorijskim standardima. Ono što ovaj pokret čini drugačijim od avangarde, kao druge struje izražavanja potrebe za promenama, jeste nesamodovoljnost i neporicanje, već nadograđivanje i mogućnost kontinuiteta.
Pored navedenog, Medialu izdvaja programska uobličenost
pokreta, koji počinje od perioda formiranja grupe (1957/58) tako što rad grupe
prate programski tekstovi i načela objavljivani u časopisima (Vidici,
Mediala…), knjizi Traktat o slikarstvu,
Leonida Šejke, koji je jedan od glavnih teroetičara Mediale, zajedno sa
Glavurtićem i Vukovićem.
Dalje specifičnosti Mediale
možemo tražiti u kulturnim diskursima vremena nastajanja, likovnim diskursima
atmosfere, individualnosti u okviru integralnosti, heterogenosti predstavnika u
homogenosti cilja – sjedinje čoveka i vremena , prošlosti i budućnosti iz čega
prositiče vizionarska potreba za novim simbolima koji negiraju automatizam,
slučajnost i proizvoljnost. Jednom rečju, stvaralaštvo.
Biljana Jotić, istoričarka umetnosti
The core thing that separates Mediala as an art movement is the fast that its driving force isn't an ideology or a general place in social history, it's an internal need for action, reaction, change and engagement of a group of self-conscious individuals, that faced a higher feeling of implacability with the social and historical standards that society was offering. The fact that separates this movement from avant-garde, as the other force of channeling the need for a change, is the lack of self-sufficiency and denial, instead they opt for further complementing and the possibility of continuity.
Besides all of that, Mediala is unique because of its unique program, that develops with the formation of the group (1957/58) by different texts that follow group's works and principles and were published in magazines (Vidici, Mediala...), book Traktat o slikarstvu written by Leonid Šejka, one of the main Mediala theoretician, with others being Miro Glavurtić i Siniša Vuković.
Further specifics Mediale can be found in the cultural discourses of the time of formation, visual discourses atmosphere of individuality within the framework of integrity, heterogeneity representative of the homogeneity goal - the combination of man and time, past and future, which visionary need erise from for new symbols that deny automatism, chance and arbitrariness. In a word, creativity.
Further specifics Mediale can be found in the cultural discourses of the time of formation, visual discourses atmosphere of individuality within the framework of integrity, heterogeneity representative of the homogeneity goal - the combination of man and time, past and future, which visionary need erise from for new symbols that deny automatism, chance and arbitrariness. In a word, creativity.
Biljana Jotić, art historian
Malo je pokreta u srpskoj umetnosti koji su privukli toliku pažnju strane i domaće javnosti, kao što je to slučaj sa Medialom. Njena specifičnost leži u tome što predstavlja svojevrstan neobičan susret tradicionalnog nasleđa i novih, eksperimentalnih oblika umetnosti. Ova kombinacija predstavlja samu srž Mediale, kao i činjenica da je ona nastala u okruženju koje je okupljalo pojedince sa jedinstvenim pogledima na svet i umetnost ujedinjene u zajedničkoj ideji kreiranja i progresa. Mnogi teoretičari umetnosti smatraju da je Mediala najvažniji pokret nastao u okviru srpske umetnosti. Njena glavna odlika jeste misticizam koji prožima sve pore pokreta i zapravo jeste vezan za kulturnu tradiciju, ali on ovde dobija novu formu koja postaje magična. Na taj način ona prevazilazi granice realnosti i stvara svet u kome vladaju magija, emocije i intuicija. U svom ''Poslednjem zapisu'' koji je naspisao neposredno pred smrt, Leonid Šejka kaže da je slikanje oblik molitve. Kroz ove njegove reči možemo da sagledamo svu snagu Mediale. To nije slikarski pokret, već životna filozofija. Svet u kome vladaju fantazija, magija, mitovi, unutrašnji svetovi paralelno sa futurizmom, željom za napredkom i razvitkom.
Jelena Milosavljević, apsolvent istorije umetnosti
There are little art movements in Serbian history that draw as much attention from the public, both domestic and foreign, as it was the case with Mediala. It's specificity lies in the fact that it represents an unusual collision of traditional and new, experimental art tendencies. This combination represents the core of Mediala, as well as the fact that it appeared in social surrounding that gathered unique individuals with specific outlooks on life and art united in the same idea of progress and creation. The main characteristic of Mediala is mysticism manifested through all aspects of this art movement and is indeed connected to cultural tradition, but here it develops a new form that can be seen as magical. In this way Mediala crosses the limits of reality and creates the world ruled by magic, emotion and intuition. In his last text Leonid Šejka writes that art is a form of prayer. Through those words we can see all the strength of Mediala. This is not simply an art movement, it's the philosophy of life itself. The world ruled by phantasy, magic, myths, internal worlds along with futurism and desire for progress and growth.
Jelena Milosavljević, art history student
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